Friday, January 31, 2020

Mission Accomplished! (Well, STARTED anyway)

Congratulate me, people!  I spent the entire day WRITING!!!! Okay, I took an hour to get a bit of other things done...eating, doing a bit of fix it work.  Passed that, though, I did a long-hand sketch of my story.  The Author's Note and then typed it up...on an ACTUAL TYPEWRITER!!!

Yup. I think I'm gonna do it that way. Write it, longhand, type it up and then take it to document page. THAT WAY, by the time it gets to the Doc page, it will be more fleshed out. That's my hope. And it doesn't hurt to hope.
The point is, I got it DONE. No youtube. I can listen to one story on YT before bed...  Secret Window by Stephen King....It's a weird one, but good.
I just wish the were more hours to the weekend. Like....a WEEK's worth.  Once upon a time, I had the entire weekend to laze (and do things). Now, my mother needs more of my time and other issues come up. Thankfully, my mother's biggest problem is that she just can't do as much as she used to, so that's where I come in.  And I feel like a selfish worm;  wanting that time to myself.
According to some sources,  C.S. Lewis was writing in stops and starts when he was staying with a friend's mother, after the war. He promised to help the friend's mom and lived up to his promise.  Wonder if he regretted those good intentions when it was all he could do to get a PARAGRAPH committed to paper before she needed this or that done.
Next week, I'm helping with church clean up, but that's early on Saturday, so, heaven willing, I'll have the rest of the weekend to get some writing done.
I live in amazement that ANYONE gets ANY Writing done, in this work-a-day world.  Is there an Island for writers?  If so, where's the next ship heading there and how much is it, ONE WAY?

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"Every Child Matters" ? Hmmmm 🤔

They should matter to us when they're alive.     Would to heaven that were true! Sadly, though, this slogan gets the most air play after...