Saturday, August 28, 2021

FINALLY!!!!! Anthology (Edits and all!) FINISHED

 Yahoo!!!!  And a hearty Yabba Dabba Dooooo! 


     And it only took a four-month medical 'staycation'!  However it was done,  it got done!  The Execution of Agatha Christie ,  edits and all, are DONE! (Angelic choir breaks into song!)  

  I have only to wait for my work routine to set in for a few months, and then I can make a proper, bound, copy for the lady who encouraged me to complete Poirot's love story "Now and Forever".  From there, I wrote the rest of the stories which make up the anthology, including, of course, the title story of the anthology, itself;  "The EXECUTION OF AGATHA CHRISTIE. A personal favorite of mine. 

  During my convalescence, I worked on edits, griped about issues that came about because I didn't have internet access (too expensive) and yet, one way or another, got it all finished.  Then I created a special edit for Susana.  

   Tomorrow, I'll get a PDF copy made, for anyone else who wants to read.  Hopefully, one copy will make its way to agatha's darling, david suchet.  If so, here's a recommend....  Read Code Name: Aggie, Mr. Suchet.  Especially the chapter called WRITTEN IN BLOOD.  Your likeness and last name are prominently featured. YOU will love what you got to do. Agatha would ADORE you for what you did.  On the other hand, I loved the consequence of your double's actions. As it was called, in Dickens' day;  the drop. 

"Every Child Matters" ? Hmmmm 🤔

They should matter to us when they're alive.     Would to heaven that were true! Sadly, though, this slogan gets the most air play after...