Sunday, May 17, 2020

Writers and the NECESSITY for Social (MEDIA) Distancing

   Don't panic. DON'T PANIC!  This is nothing you need a mask for. Nor copious amounts of hand sanitizer.  You won't even need to stock up on toilet paper!  In fact, this post is for writers, specifically.  The general populace can take this for what it's worth. 

    Of course, since about mid-March MUCH has been said about SOCIAL DISTANCING.  It's become part of our wold wide vocabulary in the space of a month, if that.  And while we still have to practice that safety measure, while the world S-L-O-W-L-Y finds its way back to normal,  I'd like to introduce an idea that writers should have been practicing all along;   Social-Media Distancing.  While it won't save any lives, medically, it could save your sanity, and mine is on life-support as it is. 

    Social media has been a lifeline to many people, for whom self isolation and quarantine have been the equal to Solitary Confinement as a prison punishment.  I get that.  People need social interaction.  However, this bizarre period of world history gave  writers and aspiring scribblers an opportunity I hope many took advantage of.  Necessary DOWN TIME to do what you promised you would do if given the time.   The chance to either start the story or finish what you started a while back but couldn't seem to sit down with,  given one chore or another. 

    For myself, I started an experiment with Flash Fiction. There were a couple of mini-stories I wanted to try it on.  I got the first one finished, but I've been having a dandy time trying to get the second story down because of one PEST that is as much of a CREATIVE danger as this virus deal has been, medically.  SOCIAL MEDIA. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and whatever else is out there,  eating away at time and creativity.  If you are an author who is SERIOUS about getting stuff done, you need to put your foot down and use some self-discipline.  Practice some SOCIAL-MEDIA DISTANCING and keep yourself away from those sites if you want to make a dent in a novel or story project. 

    I guarantee, making any excuses, (Just an hour to catch up) and the day will be gone and you will have accomplished ZIP.  I do it, myself.  I did it yesterday. 

  After some light duties in the early afternoon, I ambled onto my Facebook page to unwind.  Next thing I knew...  *SNAP* !  The day was gone and NOTHING got accomplished, apart from jacking up my blood pressure. Finally,  I came to the conclusion that priorities have to be set in order to get anything substantial done.  SOCIAL {MEDIA } DISTANCING. 

    Make it a reward system if you like.  Do what needs to be done and then you can spend time online.  Kinda like when you were in high school and had to get your homework done before you could have t.v. time. Back when,  you were doing what you needed to do, to keep your parents and teachers off your case.  Also, if you had specific college goals, you had to keep your grades in check.  Likewise, if you have goals of finishing your novel, make THAT your priority.  Put in the time on the book (two hours or two chapters a day)  and then reward yourself. 
   I'm preaching to the choir here because I  VERY MUCH need  to practice what I'm preaching. This way, I paint my way into a corner and have no choice but to do what I recommend to others.

    Here's to hoping. 

     Okay..., I have a project (flash fiction)  I want to have finished by the end of the long weekend.  If it's NOT done by tomorrow night, say, 10 p.m.,  you'll know I said one thing and did another.  My bad! On the other hand, IF the story IS completed by tomorrow,  you'll see me on Facebook.  NOT before.  

"Every Child Matters" ? Hmmmm 🤔

They should matter to us when they're alive.     Would to heaven that were true! Sadly, though, this slogan gets the most air play after...